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Simple Swim FAQs

Can I teach myself to swim, simply, safely and virtually? With SimpleSwim you can. The last swim course you'll ever need. Feel safe and confident in deep water. Learn the skills most schools have forgotten or just skip over.

Watch My "Most Frequently Asked Questions" by Swimmers Looking To Feel Safer And More Confident In Deep And Large Bodies Of Water.

  • 10 FAQ Videos
  • Learn About The Swimmers Fraud Phenomena
  • The Most Important Steps Most Schools Just Skip Over
  • What Redefining the Meaning of Swimming Could Do For You
  • Importance of Your Relationship to the Surface of the Water

You Decide If Our Program is a Fit for You

Are these questions similar to the questions you may be asking yourself? If so, SSWH maybe just the program you've been waiting for.

Then Teach Yourself How to Swim

 You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your confidence in water, quickly and safely. 
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