Our mission is to bring about a transformation so that everyone may feel safer and more confident in deep and large bodies of water.  

Simple Swim with Hugh is committed to creating, making accessible and continuously improving effective learning methods to diverse communities via online educational platforms. We are dedicated in promoting online knowledge and awareness thru the ever changing digital landscape for safety and confidence in water.
Write your awesome label here.

We help you dive right in by offering 

Access to our Facebook Groups page.

Where you can get targeted feedback on exactly what problem you are trying to solve. 

Coveted skills

Skills, once held close to the vest, ie, balance, buoyancy, bobbing. Right here to practice at your pace. Skills that require zero energy or stamina. Easily marry to traditional strokes. 

Latest Technology

Using the latest in psychology and kinesiology to address fear, incorrect labels and bad habits, that may be preventing you from enjoying water at any depth. 

One on One

We can provide one on one feedback to get you progressing faster. No one size fits all classroom style. 

Meet your course creator

Hugh designed this course with you in mind. He believes everyone can swim. If you can walk, you can swim. We all have balance inside us. Finding it in water just takes a few effortless simple steps. This course will help you to redefine what it means to swim. Giving you the best feeling of comfort and confidence in water. Life already has too many restrictions, don't let water be one of them. 
See you in the deep end!
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