Video duration
Course duration
Free of charge
Tell us about your past swimming experiences, so we may get you comfortable faster and build this program around others with similar experiences.
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What's included?
7 Modules and growing
1 Certification of completion
Videos within the course and of fellow students sharing their progress.
PDFs of you own progress to keep you on track and focused on next steps to take.
Swim the way you only dreamed of...
You will learn how to move effortlessly. Get air when you need to without any complicated strokes. Relax and feel supported by the water. Maneuver to change direction. Tread for visibility. Feel secure when snorkeling or going scuba.
Spread the word
By learning these simple skills. You will have gained valuable knowledge that you will be able to share with others easily. Giving them the gift of safety and confidence in water.
Meet the instructor
Hugh Jo
Hugh (designer of Simple Swim) has created the simplest, safest and quickest method to learn to swim. And his students are no longer afraid of deep and large bodies of water. They know how to easily get air with little or no effort. Because now they know how their body balances near the surface. Hugh believes we are all natural swimmers but we have just been exposed to the wrong definition and complicated images of what it means to swim or have experienced too many micro traumas that keeps us away from trying anymore. By making a small adjustment in the definition of swimming and using controls to end further traumas, the world of swimming can become unlocked forever.
Patrick Jones - Course author